The Divine Physician

The Divine Physician

classification: Science fiction
update: 2024年09月19日

"Hmph, I won't go in the water. I'll use this stone to kill you!" Zhou Ting said, picking up a rock and throwing it at Zhao Bailang. 。A stone the size of a coin, smashing down how could it possibly hurt So, Zhao BaLiang not only didn't dodge, but also deliberately taunted 。Zhao Bailang's provocation angered Zhou Ting. She directly picked up a stone bigger than her fist from beside her and said to Zhao Bailang, "Believe it or not, I'll hit you with this big rock" "I don't believe it, if you have the guts, smash one" 。"Though he said that, Zhao Ba Liang still hurried to dodge. " 。Zhou Ting thought Zhao Ba would still be as clumsy as before and wouldn't dodge, so she intentionally threw it off target. 。And Zhao Ba Liang worried that Zhou Ting would really smash it, so he also dodged a bit. 。The tragedy happened just like that. The stone, without any deviation, hit Zhao Ba Liang's head directly. 。",“Damn bitch, you really hit hard……” Zhao Ba Liang said, closed his eyes, and lost consciousness.,Seeing Zhao Ba faint, his head covered in blood, Zhou Ting panicked. She didn't care about getting her clothes wet at this time and jumped into the river directly, intending to pull Zhao Ba out as quickly as possible.。

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