Shatuo King

Shatuo King

classification: Science fiction
update: 2024年11月12日

Luo Yin felt a pang of pity: “Jiu-nü, this young man is simply not strong enough. Let me help him.” 。"Having heard that the great poet was coming to do manual labor, how could this be Li Jiuniang immediately changed her attitude and ordered Huang Si'niang:" "Si'niang, quickly call the porters to help You Xiao move the money." 。“Thinking to himself, he figured that even if he took the money back, he wouldn't spend it anyway. He had plenty of time to waste, so he didn't bother arguing about it at this moment. After all, he didn't want to be looked down upon by the great poet; that would be terrible.” 。Just now, I was telling my friend that Ye Youxiao should just "take the money and leave." Now it seems I'm saying he should "take the money and leave quickly." 。Huang Si Niang called over two porters, and of course, they soon moved all the money onto the donkey cart. It was indeed a full cartload of money. 。 。I don't know what's the matter with that Jin Kaiyuan, Li Jiuniang only gave 80 guan. 。At this moment, Lu Yin ran over and said with a smile: "Young Master Youxiao, you're carrying so much money. Why don't I accompany you home"Ye Youxiao was not afraid of his ugly face at all... 。I thought the way home was still far, and besides, I had so much money with me. With such a great poet accompanying me, it wouldn't be too dangerous. 。Have you heard When bandits encounter poets during a robbery, they always escort them down the mountain. 。,The leaf hut is rather flimsy, I'm afraid the Empress will need to bring some seating before she can go there. 。Zhang Hui gave a faint smile. Seeing that her purpose for coming to the theater today had been fulfilled, she got up and said goodbye, taking her child with her. 。After sending off Mrs. Zhang, Li Jiuniang lowered her head and thought for a while, then suddenly beckoned to Huang Siniang:"Siniang, call Tian Gui immediately and have him help the Ye family exchange those gold and silver Kaiyuan coins as quickly as possible..." 。Since Madam Zhang was also coming to see the new play, Li Jiuniang no longer wanted to haggle with Ye Youxiao over currency exchange. 。Do not let the small matter become a big one, so quickly have Huang Si Niang resolve this trouble. 。Huang Si Niang did not ask any further questions and hurried away. 。At this time, Ye Youxiao and Luo Yin had already arrived at the counter in Yuanwai's shop and met Ye Housheng. 。Ye Hou Sheng had been waiting for a long time, secretly worrying that You Xiao might have fallen into Li Jiu Niao's trap again, or made excuses to shirk his responsibility. His thoughts were turbulent, regretting that he shouldn't have let You Xiao go alone to collect the money, but also thinking that a man should be more tempered through hardship. 。As I pondered, I suddenly saw Youxiao and an unsightly scholar arrive in a donkey cart. The cart was bulging, clearly laden with the money they had earned. Overjoyed, I hurried over and first asked:,On the way, Youxiao had been chatting and laughing with Luo Yin, becoming quite familiar with him. Now, seeing me ask, he said:。

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