Things of this level, building naturally have a higher difficulty.,Although Saudi Arabia is wealthy, it has spent a lot of money buying things from China over the past two years.,But looking at Salaman's expectant eyes, Xu Huasheng felt a bold idea brewing in his heart. 。"Prince Salman, if foreign capital were to independently invest in our country's aerospace industry, it probably wouldn't be so easy. " 。Why not this way, we establish a joint venture company, build an international civil aerospace and aviation company, so that not only Saudi Arabia can invest, but other countries can also invest. 。For example, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Libya, Syria, Iraq, and so on. 。Many hands make light work, and we can jointly develop products together when the time comes. 。Moreover, I think we can also establish a professional university that specializes in cultivating talent in this area. 。Then, all participating countries can send students to study here. After graduating from school, they can work for our aerospace company. Talent is the most important thing..." Xu Huasheng said directly. 。When he heard the suggestion, Al-Rahman's eyes lit up. 。It would be great if the Hua Sheng Group could invest and participate. 。The suggestion to establish professional universities is also quite good. 。With a university, Saudi Arabia can send students here every year. 。Talent is the most important thing. With enough talent, Saudi Arabia could even establish its own aerospace industry within its borders in the future. At the thought of this, Salman became excited. 。。