Mr. Gu, letapos;s ge

Mr. Gu, letapos;s ge

classification: Science fiction
update: 2024年09月19日

In the hospital, the smell of disinfectant hung in the air. Shu Pan could even smell it with her mask on. 。My nose felt sour and congested, but I didn't have the mind to think about anything else. Just finished, my face was a little pale, leaning against the bench. 。After waiting for about two and a half hours, I finally got the test results. 。Having hung a specialist's shingle, Shu Pan thought that specialists were authorities and that her own estimates weren't trivial matters. 。Entering the consultation room, the male doctor inside was wearing a white coat and had an elegant demeanor. 。Shu Pan couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, and it was even difficult to bring it up. But then she thought that the doctor faced this every day, and she was also a married woman for three years. There wasn't anything shameful about it. 。"Doctor, can I have a baby" Shu Pan asked, her face flushed. 。"Are you married" the doctor asked as he looked at the results. 。",Right now, I don't want to go back to the studio, and I definitely don't want to go home.,Shu Pan racked her brain, utterly puzzled why her husband, whom she had a loving relationship with, didn't want children. She knew how much he loved kids and that at 26 years old, she was mentally prepared to be a mother. To her, a child would complete their family. 。。

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