High School Campus S

High School Campus S

author: anonymous
classification: Science fiction
update: 12分鐘前

"Anyway, we're just hanging around. Let's follow them and see where they go, how do you think" Several people exclaimed in unison. 。"Quick, go get the bicycles from the shed before they run away!" Wen Ge shouted as he sprinted towards the shed. 。Everyone pulled the car out as quickly as they could, and when they rushed out of the school gate, they saw the child not far ahead. 。We rode our bikes three or four meters behind him, slowing down and following him at a leisurely pace, observing him carefully. 。This is a tall and lanky child, carrying a backpack slung over one shoulder. He walks very slowly and gracefully. 。The white and the crimson, giving it an alluring air of a charming young lady from a wealthy family. 。We only knew to follow blindly, no one dared to ride ahead and look back, to see what it looked like. After all, we were still too young then, still knew shame, still understood propriety and righteousness. 。,Wen Ge was nearsighted and couldn't see, so he hurriedly asked me, "How does it look Is it pretty" I purposely sighed and said, "I'm afraid you'll be disappointed." 。It's not some breathtakingly beautiful beauty, quite ordinary, very ordinary... But you definitely wouldn't want to "regress" 。To be honest, I don't think this kid is at the point where I'm dreaming about him constantly and neglecting everything else. 。Her facial bones are perhaps a little bit larger and slightly thicker. 。However, it is still and absolutely considered a 。Pale skin, flushed cheeks, a slender waist, and a slight protrusion like a small mushroom in the front. 。Especially just now that look back, truly made people have an amazing feeling. Now I understand what "a smile when looking back captivates all beings" means. 。Wen Ge probably knew from my eyes—or should I say, from the eyes of my little brother—my true thoughts. 。He was immediately full of energy, like he had been injected with seawater. 。,— The tragedy and joy of life are written by each person themselves.。

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